Looking to the future: Time for us to grow
A new KidZone Museum facility will meet the demand of our growing audience and replace our current tent structure, which is nearing the end of its life.
Our economic study says the building will be bustling with 50,000 annual visits, so plans are in the works for a 10,500 square foot permanent structure. This larger audience will be dining in the café and teaching kitchen, participating in science and art programs, and exploring interactive exhibits. These activities will add to our operating income and support the larger facility. To ensure the Museum remains strong well into the future, an endowment fund will be established. Most importantly, this new facility will allow us to welcome 4,000-5,000 visits from families who live in poverty in our region.
If you would like to help or want information, contact Philanthropy Officer Jen Parker at jen@kidzonemuseum.org.
Why it’s time for a new building
We have weathered through many powerful winter storms and wondered if the duct tape will hold the tent together. We have watched young children cry as we tell their families they cannot come in because the Museum is at–capacity. The KidZone Museum is at-capacity 30 days per year.

The Museum is at-capacity at least 30 days each year.

The damaged Museum in 2017.